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양정 방면에서 오실때 부암고가교 아래에서 유턴 후에 입구로 이동

양정 방면에서 오실때 부암고가교 아래에서 유턴 후에 입구로 이동

서면 방면에서 오실때 고가교 사이길로 진입 후 입구로 이동

서면 방면에서 오실때 고가교 사이길로 진입 후 입구로 이동

Parking Lot
Busan Concert Hall
298parking spaces
Busan Citizens Park
Underground 415parking spaces / Outdoor 487parking spaces
Parking Fee at Busan Concert Hall Parking Lot
Number of Parking Surfaces
298parking spaces
Parking Fee
To be determined (TBD)
Parking Fee at Busan Citizens Park Parking Lot
Parking Hours
AM 5:00 - PM 24:00
Fee Type
By Time - Charged by 10 Minutes
Parking Fee
KRW 200 (KRW 300 on Weekends)/Day (KRW 10,000)
Medium Size
KRW 400 (KRW 600 on Weekends)/Day (KRW 20,000)
Large Size
KRW 600 (KRW 900 on Weekends)/Day (KRW 30,000)
Disabled and Veterans: 1 hour free, 50% for additional time
Light and Eco-friendly Vehicles: 50%
Participation in Vehicle Shift System: 50%
Non-business Vehicles for Multi-child Families: 50%
※ When a sticker for the vehicle is attached, a person is driving his/her vehicle, or carrying a welfare card and multi-child card
Number of Parking Surfaces
Parking Surfaces of Underground Parking Lot
Parking Surfaces of Outdoor Parking Lot